Antoine de Bourbon's letter of 1553 to Jeanne d'Albret,
as quoted in "To Fly the Plane," p. 24:
“I see, my love, in your last letter how madame la vicontesse [de Lavedan, daughter of Aymée de Lafayette] has stirred up madame la Baillive [Aymée de Lafayette] against you, and that she [Aymée de Lafayette] wishes to leave and to go home. My love, you know how many times I have told you that your nature is to torment your husband and all those who love you. It seems to me that from here out you can believe me, and prevent that, for it will only bring shame to your servantes [that is, your ladies-in-waiting], and worry to your husband. I know you have good willingness to believe me, and, if you do, you will relieve yourself of worry and me as well, and we will have the best enjoyment we can without talking about things that annoy us; assuring you, my love, that I have never had a greater desire to see you than I do now.”
(Quote begins at the end of line 10 below.)
as quoted in "To Fly the Plane," p. 24:
“I see, my love, in your last letter how madame la vicontesse [de Lavedan, daughter of Aymée de Lafayette] has stirred up madame la Baillive [Aymée de Lafayette] against you, and that she [Aymée de Lafayette] wishes to leave and to go home. My love, you know how many times I have told you that your nature is to torment your husband and all those who love you. It seems to me that from here out you can believe me, and prevent that, for it will only bring shame to your servantes [that is, your ladies-in-waiting], and worry to your husband. I know you have good willingness to believe me, and, if you do, you will relieve yourself of worry and me as well, and we will have the best enjoyment we can without talking about things that annoy us; assuring you, my love, that I have never had a greater desire to see you than I do now.”
(Quote begins at the end of line 10 below.)

Used here as public domain document available for "réutilisation non commerciale." (For source of these scans and limitations on reuse, see below.
Also available in Lettres d’Antoine de Bourbon et de Jehanne d’Albret, ed. de Rochambeau (Paris: Société de l’histoire de France, 1877), Lettre XLVIII, pp. 64-65).)
Also available in Lettres d’Antoine de Bourbon et de Jehanne d’Albret, ed. de Rochambeau (Paris: Société de l’histoire de France, 1877), Lettre XLVIII, pp. 64-65).)