Jeanne d'Albret from a mid-century drawing by a member of the Clouet school. (Public domain, from Wikimedia Commons.)

Antoine de Bourbon, from an anonymous painting of the Clouet school. (Downloaded from Wikimedia Commons, photo by G. Garitan, 2014, from the Musée Barrois. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 — https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en.)

Siege of Saint-Quentin, 1557,
from the Hall of Battles, Escorial Palace
from the Hall of Battles, Escorial Palace
(Public Domain. Downloaded from Wikimedia Commons, filename Bataille St-quentin escorial.png)

Château de La Flèche, ca. 1600.
Antoine de Bourbon’s son, Henri IV, donated the château to the Jesuit order to serve as a collège.
(Public domain: Source, Wikimedia Commons.)

Fontainebleau in a lithograph of about 1846 by Jules Arnout
This was one of the main royal residences of the sixteenth century.
(Public domain, downloaded from Wikimedia Commons, File:Fontainebleau en Ballon, Vue Prise au Dessus du Gd. Quartier de Cavalerie - DPLA - fc236a3bb44c0ae6443c2afc9ee67ba9.jpg)

Navarrenx town walls from postcard ca. 1910. The fortifications were built by Jeanne d’Albret’s father, Henri d’Albret. (Public domain, downloaded from Wikimedia Commons, author unknown. File:Navarrenx-Usine électrique et le Pont-CC 817.jpg)

A somewhat fanciful nineteenth-century engraving of the château de Pau.
Photo by the author, all rights reserved.